Parish Office:
33 Yamala Street, Emerald Q 4720
(PO Box 47)
33 Yamala Street, Emerald Q 4720
(PO Box 47)
(07) 4982 1066
0431 218 818
Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Parish Priest: Fr Truc Quoc Phan SVD
Assistant Priest: Fr Francois Andrianihantana SVD
Parish Secretary: Francie Hartley and Cathy Chapman
Tuesday: 12:00 noon
Wednesday: 7:00 am
Thursday: 8:00 am
Friday: 9:00 am
Saturday 6:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am
Second Sunday of the Month, Mass, Anakie Hall, 10.30 am, all welcome.
Fourth Sunday of the Month, Mass, Anakie Hall, 10.30 am, all welcome.
By appointment only. Please phone Fr Truc on 0431 218 818 or Fr Francois
Contact the Parish Office
Legion of Mary Mondays 9:00 am Parish Office
Good Shepherd Prayer Group Wednesdays 7.30 pm Church
Rosary at the Grotto Thursdays 5.30 pm & Sundays 5.30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration Fridays 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm Church
Please contact the parish office if you are aware of people or families within our community requiring our prayers and/or support.
Address: Jeppesen Drive, Emerald QLD 4720
Postal Address: PO Box 81, Emerald QLD 4720
Phone: 07 4994 9100
Absentee Line: 07 4994 9101